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Winter Tips From Seattle Mortgage Brokers

It's February - Winter In Full Swing Winter is only halfway done, which means it is still cold, rainy, snowy or just a bit chilly outside - this weather makes for a great time to relax and watch some TV.…

Tips On Getting Your Home Summer Ready

It might be weird to think about, but our summer is very close. Like, "if it were a snake it'd bite you" close. That means swimming pools, lazy Sundays hanging out on the patio, and barbecues. Lots of barbeques, in…

Water Conscious Home Owner Tips

Its Springtime! Time To Think about Summer Water Issues! This April, take some time to focus on steps you can take to conserve water in your home. Water conservation refers to any beneficial reduction of water usage, loss or waste.…

Setting Smart Goals

What is a financial goal and how many of us actually sit down to create one for ourselves? While you take this time to think of ways to organize and clean out your home, mind and body, also take a…

Valentine’s Day Help Is On The Way!!!

Its coming up soon, fellas! This Valentine's Day, folks around the world will be celebrating the day known for its good and bad reputation for some people. Its romantic Christmas. Its love's Thanksgiving. Its a big one, with lots of…

Spring Cleaning – Get Your House In Order!

Spring Season is rapidly approaching (Tuesday, March 20th), and we can all appreciate the season where things bloom, and the life cycle is renewed. Along with these changes, who's to say that before the spring season comes you can't do…

Holiday Thoughts and Wishes

As the feeling of the Holidays approach, the sound of laughter and holiday smells begin to fill the air. You may choose to celebrate your Christmas time with some classic traditions, like staying up watching Christmas movies, or setting out…

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